
Mama’s Perfect Basmati rice

There is nothing like perfectly cooked long grain, fine quality basmati rice to accompany a special Indian meal.  It takes about 25 minutes to cook all told, and though you can re-heat easily in the microwave, I prefer to put the rice on 30 minutes before dinner and serve the hot steaming rice!

Serves 4-6


2 cups basmati rice
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp ghee/coconut oil/olive oil


  1. Wash the rice several times in cold water as there is a lot of starch clinging to its grains. Soak it in about 5 cups of water for about 30 minutes (optional but recommended).

  2. Heat 3 cups of water in a heavy pan with a tight fitting lid. Drain the rice and add to the boiling water along with ¼ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon ghee/butter/coconut oil/olive oil.  Bring to a boil, cover, reduce the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. Do not disturb the rice or take a peek while it’s in the middle of cooking. 

  3. Turn off the heat and let it sit covered for another 5-7 minutes. Lift the cover and fluff gently with a fork.  Serve hot.

Note: If you want to make 1 cup rice, use 1 ½ cups water, 1/8th tsp salt and same amount of ghee/oil.